Talking with the wounded
Listen to remarkable people talk about when the unforgettable happens, what happened next, and who helped them along the way. Often hilarious, always frank; physically and mentally wounded veterans, and those that deal with them, talk us through the moment that changed their lives. Published every two weeks during each series. Available on all the usual podcast platforms. Contact: if you have a story to tell and a charity to highlight.

Wednesday Nov 20, 2024
"Shooting at me? I'm the f**king lawyer"
Wednesday Nov 20, 2024
Wednesday Nov 20, 2024
"A lot of Royal Marines came home because of the decisions you made" where the words Martin Wade heard from his colleague years after being the Task Force Legal Advisor to the Royal Marines in Helmand in 2006-7. But by then the damage had been done.
The last episode in this series hears Lt Col (retd) Martin Wade talk us through his journey from battlefield lawyer making decisions on the use of lethal and non lethal force, to a psychiatric ward in Germany and a diagnosis of PTSD. While receiving treatment it becomes clear his legal mind was fighting his mental condition and eventually something had to give and he is medically discharged. As part of his treatment Martin is introduced to painting. In the aftermath of Afghanistan he turned to art to express in a visual way the emotions, feelings, thoughts and meanings associated with that period of his life to such an extent he is now living as an artist, exhibiting, taking commissions and painting for the love of it. Google him..its powerful art. MARTIN WADE - Contemporary War Artist, UK
The charities that have helped Martin are below. That's it for 2024, back in 2025 with a new series and some more live shows with my guests. Details and locations will be posted as and when dates confirmed.
Donate - Supporting Wounded Veterans | Uk Veterans Charity
Donate | Help For Heroes

Wednesday Nov 06, 2024
Posthumous VC - A fathers tale
Wednesday Nov 06, 2024
Wednesday Nov 06, 2024
L/Cpl James Ashworth was killed as he stormed an enemy position in Helmand , Afghanistan. An action he was awarded the VC for; the 14th person at the time to receive the highest award for gallantry since WWII. His father, Duane, himself a former Grenadier, describes how he came to hear the news of his sons death, his repatriation and the announcement of the VC. Mistakes were made, bureaucracy gets in the way and the press intrusion overwhelming. This journey is an emotional roller coaster, as told by the only person who could, beyond those who were there when his son gave his all for those around him.
Duane now runs "Kitchener's" in Lowestoft - a Hotel that provides discounted getaways for veterans, serving military members, and blue light service providers and their families. More info can be found at Its a registered charity to, so donations always welcome.

Wednesday Oct 23, 2024
"Hang on a minute, I've been shot"
Wednesday Oct 23, 2024
Wednesday Oct 23, 2024
Quoted as uttering the best line of the war, Paul Fear takes us to the moment he had reason to say it back in 2007 in Afghanistan. Paul and I served together in the early 90's. He left and subsequently re joined. He found himself in Afghanistan fighting at close quarters with the Taliban until one day it didn't go his and a few others way. After 6 more years he took the opportunity to leave with a pay out and a pension.. ..except it never came. With a determined wife who fought for his dues all the way to the Prime Minister, the MOD eventually relented. Once again, the Government failed those it asked to go fight on its behalf. Years later working for Sky, the fall of Kabul brings it all back..and credit where credit is due the NHS via Op Courage stepped up. The brutality of engaging with the enemy, fighting for what your due against your former employer, to eventually needing help is a story we hear all too often from this cohort.
Op Courage is the NHS answer to helping Veterans with their mental health - and this episode is a perfect example of what is does. Mental health support for veterans, service leavers and reservists - NHS (

Wednesday Oct 09, 2024
I need a rifle.
Wednesday Oct 09, 2024
Wednesday Oct 09, 2024
As a Doctor in the field saving wounded soldiers he never thought he may actually be asked to engage the enemy. Dr Ian Nesbitt talks us through dealing with the wounded in Afghanistan, on board a Chinook as the MERT (Medical Emergency Response Team) Doc, flying into battles to collect the wounded, and also as part of the reception team back in Camp Bastion receiving those brought back by the MERT. Describing himself as "self loading luggage" Ian gives us a unique insight into military medicine; stabilising the wounded, friend or foe, while performing procedures usually done in an operating theatre, rather than the noisy, dirty, cramped conditions found while kneeling in the back of a helicopter that the enemy are intent on shooting out the sky. Thought provoking, moving and humbling; and not without cost.
The charities he wishes to highlight are: David Knott Foundation which teaches latest skills for surgeons in war zones- David Nott Foundation
and Blind Veterans UK, formerly known as St Dunstan's - Blind Veterans UK, Rebuilding lives after sight loss - Blind Veterans UK

Wednesday Sep 25, 2024
Wish I wasn't there...but I loved it.
Wednesday Sep 25, 2024
Wednesday Sep 25, 2024
Former Royal Marine, then RAF Search & Rescue Paramedic, Chris Bradshaw QGM, tells us what its like to be in the MERT (Medical Emergency Rescue Team) on Chinooks in Afghanistan and his life now at the end of the wire. As part of the medical team onboard a Chinook sent in to pick up the wounded, be they Military, Afghans and occasionally the enemy, Chris talks us through what happens when the wounded make it to the tailgate. But, as he says.." The real life saving stuff happens with the person next to you on the ground when the injury occurs, they are the real heroes." An extraordinary journey, and the life on the wire continues. If you want to meet him - just fall off a mountain in the Lake District and he will probably be the the guy flown in to save you.
His chosen charity is "Turn to Starboard"
A charity that helps serving and retired Armed Forces personnel, and their families, re-adjust after operational tours through the power of sailing.

Wednesday May 08, 2024
Arrested by the Bomb Squad
Wednesday May 08, 2024
Wednesday May 08, 2024
Paul Minter, formerly of the Blues and Royals, was one of the first soldiers into Helmand, and many years later one of the last to leave. With the words of an MP briefing him before his first tour - "Don't worry, not a round will be fired" ringing in his ears; 4 tours of Afghanistan, 1 in Iraq, a Mention in Dispatches, blown up twice by IED's, and countless contacts began to leave their mark. Next thing you know you are arrested in London by the Bomb Disposal squad...
In search of a solution to his problems Paul sought out help and then like all good recon soldiers, gathered as much intelligence as he could and dragged himself back from the abyss. Realising there was a gap in the treatment for PTSD within the serving military community, as well as veterans, he set a world record raising funds and with former colleagues established a charity to help current and former members of the Armed Forces recover their mental health and lead happier lives. Its called the "Head Up" charity. Mental Health Awareness For UK Armed Forces | Head Up (
One of life's truly remarkable men, whose service to others comes with nothing more than the desire to help others like him avoid an all too familiar journey within the military community. Support his charity..and get in touch if you have a spare 4 acres!

Wednesday Apr 17, 2024
Licking the Toad
Wednesday Apr 17, 2024
Wednesday Apr 17, 2024
"Licking the Toad", someone did, and the rest is history. How some psychedelic drugs were discovered is a story in itself; but in this shorter episode we break from the norm, my guest isn't wounded - but is pioneering their treatment.
Dr Iain Jordan is leading the psychedelic drug clinical trials for treating PTSD. Hear how taking the usually illegal drugs of a euphoria inducing nature react with our brains and why when taken before therapy sessions the results are a game changer for PTSD sufferers. As soldiers we are taught to fight as hard as possible - but with PTSD the harder you fight it the stronger it gets..learning to embrace it is difficult because of the way our brains deal with traumatic situations. Dropping a few tablets with your therapist present is one way to overcome this in safety. We even manage to laugh which isn't easy when discussing mental illness...and I didn't even get to sample anything beforehand!
It all happens at Clerkenwell Health Clerkenwell Health | Psychedelic Clinical Trials Specialist
And if you would like to be part of the PTSD or Depression trials head to their website and join a trial - link here: Join a trial (

Wednesday Mar 27, 2024
Missing a leg, not the fairway.
Wednesday Mar 27, 2024
Wednesday Mar 27, 2024
One of the first IED victims in Afghanistan, literally stepping into new territory for all concerned. Scott Blaney takes us from the carnage of a daisy chain IED to being one of the first to end up in Headley Court for reconstruction and rehab. I wont ruin it for you, but since then he has achieved many a physical feat, achieving medals and the like in the most unlikely sports. Just don't accept if he asks you for a game of golf unless you're any good!
An amazing character who you get the feeling isn't finished yet!
Scott has been the beneficiary of three main charities, the Colonels Fund of the Grenadier Guards, and BLESMA; but one he would particularly like to highlight is "Battle Back Golf" - Home (

Talking with wounded veterans
Entertaining conversations with wounded veterans about the moment that changed their lives told in their own words. From the moment they realised all wasn’t well, their recollections of the battlefield and their journey home and who helped along the way. You may laugh you may well cry - either way you will hear from some remarkable people what happens when unforgettable things happen in the blink of an eye - as we all knew it could.